Mark Hennessy

My passion for programming started at an early age and clearly influences my writing. With degrees in computer science, economics, and sociology, I have an interest in a wide variety of disciplines. I regularly switch my reading between fiction and non-fiction, hopping across genres along the way.

My aim is to tell a different story, a story where programmers are not stereotypical nerds, hackers, or glory-obsessed entrepreneurs, but rather ordinary people with extraordinary abilities. These extraordinary abilities are changing our world, and can perhaps even save it. In The Cendovian Chronicles, I explore what such a journey to save humanity might look like.

I feel compelled to tell the story of The Cendovian Chronicles without concern for its genre. With digital transcendence of humans from Earth into the virtual world at its heart, the story has one foot firmly in science fiction. Not to mention the robots, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality. Yet, The Cendovian Chronicles is not hard science fiction and is accessible to those who are neither sci-fi readers nor programmers. This series is a drama composed of elements of sci-fi, mystery, romance, philosophy, and comedy. I will allow you to classify my work as you see fit. My hope is that you will classify it as a compelling story told beautifully.