James Quincy

James was a teaching assistant in Richard's Advanced Programming class at Stanford. With his fellow programmers he was always quite jovial. Even in tense situations, he would use humor to diffuse the tension. However, for those that crossed him, James was a fierce protector of his people.

A talented programmer, James was always humble about his own work and eager to help others. While pursuing his graduate degree, he also worked as a full-time developer at Warp Drive Games, where he and Tina led the development of CombatRidge.

Occassionaly, CombatRidge was used in Richard's class to test the students' programming skills. On such occassions, James would make short presentations to the class. In one such presentation, he coined the term memeial to describe his audience as the generation raised on memes.

When tradegy struck his leader Richard, James was pulled into a secret world and soon found himself trying seemingly futilely to rescue Richard.