Virginia Nelson

In the beginning of The Cendovian, Virginia Nelson's plane goes down in 2010 under mysterious circumstances, leading her loving husband, Richard, to embark on his quest to rescue her. A sweet and loving wife, Virginia is always very patient with Richard despite his workaholism. Like Richard, she is a dreamer and she shared in his dreams. However, unlike him, she did not study computer science.

Richard and Virginia met in college in the early 80s at CalTech. This is also where they began their lifelong friendships with Pari and Gerald. After graduating with a degree in English, she began teaching high school. As Richard rose to financial success, she continued to teach though they did not need her paycheck because she liked to have an influence on young kids.

After five years of teaching high school, she made the unusual leap all the way down to kindergarten and found herself at home among the little ones. Unable to get pregnant, she treated those children as though they were her own. Often she would end her days proudly sharing with Richard the accomplishment and funny stories of what she affectionately called "her kids". She was so descriptive in her story telling, that Richard felt he knew her kids despite having never met them.